
Call me Victoria

Victoria Beckham wasn't the inspiration, but it kinda looks like I went for it. Here's my impersonation...

remember that the camera is the reason for the dot on my head


Steph said...

Very good impersonation!!!! LOL How was the drive in? Shane called but Greg and I seriously would've fallen asleep during the First Movies Previews. LOL .. we are terrible at the drive in! So did you and Matt make out like all the high school kids?

Anonymous said...

so i love it kari! (the impression AND the hair! lol) cool dude..you make me wanna chop my hair...oh wait, i'm TRYING to grow it out... haha

Boonie and Jenn said...

I love your hair! I think it looks so cute!!! Now I really want to cut mine

Chelsi Lasater said...

Happy birthday!!! HOT hair...HOT!