
I'd like to order a sitcom life

In my future house, I am going to have two sets of stairs...one in the kitchen, one in the living room. I think I will make a list of the sitcoms that have this setup.

  • Full House
  • Step by Step
  • 8 Simple Rules
  • Family Matters
  • The Cosby Show
  • Still Standing -- that show that isn't good and has the lady (fiance) from Twister
  • Growing Pains
  • Boy Meets World

I should probably also have a swinging door between my living room and kitchen so bad things can happen like they always do in those shows (Turkey boot escapade from Full House? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?)


Allison and Noah Riley said...

Oh, I'm totally there with the turkey boot. You'd better believe I used to record episodes of Full House. And watch them WHILE I recorded them. So I did see them, it was just in case I wanted to watch the exact same episode some other time. As though the show didn't come on EVERY day at 5:00. I was cool like that.

jon and whit said...

goooooooood memory!! yeah i want stairs like that too. but i'm afraid the saloon door is no longer in style. i always wanted one of those too though. i don't remember the turkey boot but i freakin loved full house. one of my friends told me that when she used to watch that show she made up a song that went "i learned a new word today OMG OMG." haha i remember i thought it was so naughty that they said that! wow long comment sorry.

Boonie and Jenn said...

You need to post some pics of your place too so I can see it!

Travis and Joy said...

no doubt, there will be double stairs in my sitcom house too.