
Me not so smart

Remember how I got my nice farmer's tan (burn) in Colorado?

I burned myself yesterday. But opposite.
don't ask me what my hair's doing...cause it's not pulled back...nice, eh?


Jared said...

You look like a candy cane.

Travis and Joy said...

wear sunscreen woman! premature aging isn't cool. you can still get tan just with an spf 8 and not burn. ...it's less painful too! just a suggestion for my cherry popsicle friend.

{Marie Long} said...

sunscreen doesn't cost that much you know.

Chelsi Lasater said...

Ouch! Well at least it will all even out, right? Have you lost weight? You look good! (Not that you didn't before.) I'm doing Weight Watchers. Stupid married-weight.

Shane Zundel said...

Didn't your mother teach you anything? Or is it like mine, in one ear and out the other? I get burned all the time still.

Anonymous said...

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Steph said...

lol ... ha ha .. funny funny