
To all the Utah girls

that like their Utah hair...here is your new BFF.

"volumizing plastic hair inserts take your hair from flat to fabulous in seconds without the use of heavy creams or gels. Simply place the piece underneath hair at the crown of your head to instantly transform your look."

you could probably use one on each side of your head to get the beautiful square look you always love.


Travis and Joy said...

BAHhahahahahaha!!!!! thank you for this post. It made my day.

tHe sMiTh SaGa said...

HA HA HA...Oh my gosh that is the funniest thing that I have ever seen... I can't believe they really sale something like that.

Anonymous said...

How do you ever find these things??? I think you need to give it a try!

Ali B. said...

can you please take a photo of you with these in your hair? I'd love to see them at work! I am serious.

Grandma Duffy said...

i don't know what Utah you live in. I don't see that kind of hair. Must be your neighborhood.

Steph said...

I want those .. lol ... You are such a nerd .. Utah hair isn't really that different from Texas or California hair .. lol ... You're just jealous. Ha ha .. yah yah .. I've never been able to get my hair to go "BIG"

Chelsi Lasater said...

ho. ly. shit.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHHAHA that's all i can say... HAHHAHAHHA WHAT will they come up w/ next? crazy... and i think Utah will "ban" me from living here...i'm not a big hair girl myself...and i'd NEVER wear a huge piece of plastic crap on my head... somebody has TOO much time on their hands to sit around inventing things like this for your hair... very nice post, love it :)

Shane Zundel said...

That is too funny, I have seen a comercial on these too...they are on youtube :)


Katie said...

Hahaha. That is sick and hilarious!! If someone came in and asked me to put that in there hair i would DIE!

Jana said...

Let's not get hasty - some of us "Utah girls" spend lots of time taming down our naturally large hair.

Emily & Rayden said...

hahahahaha thanks for that. it really made me crack up! its sad that its so true around here.

Emily & Rayden said...
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Emily & Rayden said...

hey. yeah i know what you mean about painting the walls. i really wish i could! white is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dull and boring..not to mention ugly. but i highly doubt we'll move to ogden. :(

ambyr said...

maybe I need some of this stuff! Do I have to be from Utah?!
Kari-what the heck are you talking about!! I just had a baby almost 4 months ago....which means I gained 80 pounds and now have to kick butt just to get back where I was!!! It takes 6-7 months!! What do you need to lose, like 3 pounds!!?? It is fn having a WW blog though....