
Maybe that's not the nicest thing to say

So practically daily I see a blog post announcing a new baby. OK, not every day, but almost. Usually someone comments, congratulating the mom and saying, "You look so great for just having a baby!" Umm does anyone else think that's rude? It's saying you look good for having a baby, but if you hadn't just had a baby, you look kinda crappy. So maybe you shouldn't say that to a new mom. Just don't say that to me when I have my own kid. Thanks.


Natalie said...

Ahhh! It's so true. I can't even count how many people said that to me in those first couple of post-partum months. Rude.

And no, we don't have Williams for our insitute class. We have Woodbury. He's awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey that's better than asking, "Have you had your baby yet?" Yep, happened to me after #2. And then after I had Kari, a friend asked me "is there another one still in there?" Nice..............