
Honest Scrap

And I'm gonna be honest.

A) First list 10 honest things about yourself--and make it interesting even if you have to dig deep.
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of Honest Scrap...

1. I'm a fart factory. I get it from my mama.

2. I like to text when I'm going #2 cause I get bored.

3. I don't care about (most) any post you do about your kid.

4. I flip out when people get shot in the head during movies.

5. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get postpartum depression once I have my kid. And I'm totally serious.

6. I hated the first 1.5 years of marriage.

7. I believe that I was cursed with a fat stomach cause I would've been skanky if I had a hot one.

8. I have four purple stretch marks on my stomach so far.

9. I've been getting ingrown toenails a lot lately.

10. I have no idea what to do with a baby. I know you were all thinking it!

I tag: Alicia, Stacy, Sarahn, and whoever feels the need or never has blog material.


Grandma Duffy said...

Well, i can't wait to read posts about your kid. I like that kind of stuff.....

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

You are one funny chick. I think we would either love or hate each other in person. We're a lot alike. . . dry, honest, pretty dang hot and I can fart with the best of them. Only I have to hide my talents under a bushel because my husband is prudish.

So were you tagging someone named Sarah and was it me. . .or do you really have a friend named Sarahn? That's an interesting spelling, almost unbelievable. . . but I know you couldn't have misspelled a word, especially right after a post about your editorial skills. . .

tHe sMiTh SaGa said...

Ryker definately isn't one of the "most" that you don't care about.

Stephanie said...

i am going to need more details about a few of these...

mommydearest said...

Well, thanks alot for blowing the whistle on me! How are the toes?

Chelsi Lasater said...

loved it.