
Blessing Outfit

I'm not a big fan of blessing outfits for boys cause they seem so pansy. Would it be totally stupid to make one of these for the occasion?


Heidi & Derek said...

I think it's great. You should totally do it!

Anonymous said...

haha :P CUTE! so when's Beck being blessed?

Clayton and Heidi said...

I think something with ruffles and sequins would be nice.

ps congrats on the baby! I've been MIA on reading other people's blogs lately.

Kari said...

Nov. 1st I think. We're slow.

grammy dearest said...

Only if he wears pants too. Gotta have on pants!

Abby Wright said...

Hummm...I guess they ask you to wear all white during the blessings because it symbolizes purity, but babyblessings and personal blessings there is not rule state it has to be all white, plus i think that out fit would be adorable. Again with pants.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

No, it would be totally awesome. You could make one with a white tie, some sort of shiny, temple looking tie, if you wanted the best of both worlds, but I like the colorful tie. This idea came out when my youngest was a baby and he wore one of these every week to church. I loved it. I wish I could make some for him now, but he's 5 and might get beat up for wearing a onesie.