
I never blog, then I blog a lot. Blog's a verb, right?

As I was perusing different ways to do a chalkboard in a kitchen, I saw this one and laughed. My favorite part is the bottom, second-from-the-right-if-you're-only-looking-at-the-ones-written-on or third-from-the-right-if-you're-looking-at-them-all cabinet.

A whole cabinet for bug spray? And another one for ashtrays?


Natalie said...

Sadly, my first thought was how incredibly messy that would be. Chalk dust all over my food? No bueno.

Chelsi Lasater said...

This is my new fave. I've always wanted to do something like this but I'm kinda with your friend Natalie. I want to do a whole wall like this in a playroom...but the chalkdust everywhere...Idk. And dry erase just isn't as cool.

These people have weird stuff...I want a cabinet that says "washing shit" though.

Unknown said...

Don't you have a whole cabinet for bug spray and ashtrays? It only makes sense.

This is a pretty cool idea, people that don't know where you put stuff could help you put away dishes.

Melani said...

I saw that kitchen too. I feel like all the cabinets done in chalkboard paint is a little overkill. There would be chalk dust everywhere.