
I get it from my mama

Let's see...what did I get from my mom? Not her eye color, her skin tone, her love of working out, her ability to make friends anywhere (including people on the subway and ticket guys for broadway plays), or her selflessness, which I appreciate when it comes to tickling my back and buying me underwear. Thanks, mom. For the underpants.

My mom and me at my uncle's birthday party.
No, I'm not yet wearing my new underwear, cause I know that's what you were wondering.


Shane Zundel said...

well you didn't get your height from your dad :)

Pierce and Stacy said...

Thanks for the underpants!!! WOW. That's funny. Hey, you look good Kari, have you been pumpin' some iron? Running? I need to be better. But I think you look great! I know what you got from Wendy...

Kari said...

Stacy, it's a deceiving picture. I was probably sucking in just for the pic, and the shirt probably sculpted my fat into looking muscular. and are you saying i got my boobs from my mom? i almost wrote that in the post.

Shane, you're right. if i got my height from my dad, i'd be a whole half inch taller.

Anonymous said...

kari, funny post! You forgot to mention how we both curl our toes under when we're sitting down. I bet you're wearing your new underpants today! Be sure to tell jared "underpants, underpants!" Did I tell you I went to a play called "The Underpants?" (do I put the question mark inside the quotes even though the play isn't asking a question?) Oh, and let's not forget the small and delicate calves we both have! haha

wendy said...

I was just noticing how you're parting your hair the other direction from your wedding photos that are running on your blog. Maybe I should switch my part too???

Chelsi Lasater said...

You are your mom are too adorable for words. And you both have nice racks. I wish my mom read my blog and left comments...she's a bit technologically challenged. :( Anyway, I hope you can all make it to the party, but I understand, it's a drive. Let me know. I'm looking forward to Olive's b-day post. When is her b-day? She is Satan for peeing on the mac, but she's so lovable!! Ps. You know you want a puppy shower, with puppy announcements. If you get an additional dog, I am throwing you one.