
Tag tag tag to my lou?

I've been tagged by Chelsi...

10 years ago: I was almost 13 and in the summer after my 7th grade year. I had a horrible horrible experience switching schools for 7th grade, so I was extremely scared to start 8th grade. I went to Cedar Creek Lake with Rachel Blackshear & her parents that summer.

5 years ago I was about to turn 18, and I just graduated from Nolan. I worked at Friday's Front Row for a couple months until I decided to quit since I cried every night after I got home. I was about to move to Utah State for my freshman year of college.

5 months ago I was working at DownEast Home and hating my manager. I might've quit that month.

5 things on my to do list: try to finish some quotes, bind some policies, open some mail, paint the walls in the downstairs bathroom, paint the beadboard in the bathroom.

5 snacks: crackers, dried apple things, applesauce, chips, jello

5 billionaire things: buy a house in London, live in london, when I'm done there, buy a house in NC or Texas, buy a Range Rover, pay for RR's gas.

5 places I have lived: Arlington, TX; Logan, UT; SLC, UT; Ogden, UT; London, England (ok for a day and a half on vaca, but I LIVED there, did I not?)

5 things you might not know: 1. I graduated in English with an emphasis in technical writing. Good thing. 2. After a couple days of wearing my ring after I got engaged, I felt embarrassed that I was one of those Mormons and hid my ring at times. 3. I have spent an embarrassingly long amount of time on imdb.com. (7 hours straight, I believe) 4. I used to have black & blue hair (and black & pink and black & purple) and it was AWESOME. But I wouldn't do it now. 5. I only want one girl, and because of that, I will get all girls. And I will die.

5 people I tag: Stacy, Katy, Ashley, Dana, Nichole


Nichole said...

Thanks for tagging me...it will give me something to do during my boring lecture tomorrow.

Grandma Duffy said...

One girl, huh! Girls aren't so bad. They are fun and it is nice to keep a good relationship with them as they become adults. I am glad I had my 2 girls and my 5 grand daughters. Shane was pretty special, too, though.

Nichole said...

Hey how do I change my name on the blog, so that just my name shows up when I post comments and such....and changing the blog background was such a pain-I'm sure I did it the long way.