
Is it weird that I'm attracted to flatware?

Look at this and see some awesome flatware. I want 95% of them. I need more drawers. And money.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you've been busy doing "research." I love the buck tooth binky. And the flatware! And the cakes!

jon and whit said...

seriously where do you find these things? i'm a little attracted to flatware myself. it took me forever to pick ours before we got married. i wish i could use a different set every week.. some of those are dang expensive though...

mandie said...

Would you actually want to USE this flatware? B/C I can't imagine eating my cereal off of a square spoon in the morning. It might ruin my entire day.

Steph said...

Go to DI .. then you can find lots of flatware for cheap .. ha ha ...

I know .. I think I am so funny sometimes....

Kari said...

Mandie, I think it would be awesome to eat off a square spoon.

mandie said...

No. it wouldn't feel right. Might be more likely to bite it. milk would leak out the sides of my mouth while eating cereal. too strange. some things just need to be familiar...