
A bit dramatic

I spend a lot of time on babycenter.com when I have a baby question. Something I look at a lot is crying it out versus not. (My opinion is in the middle...leaning toward CIO). Here is an excerpt from the anti-CIO side:

The problem is that when infants are left to cry themselves to sleep, they are forced to conclude that they are not lovable enough to engage their parents' desires to comfort them. If they actually stop crying, it is because they have abandoned all hope that help will come.

Seriously? Have you ever been around a baby for more than an hour? Babies can't conclude. Beck isn't thinking, "I have deducted from my experience here in my crib that my parents just don't love me enough to bother." And the "abandon all hope" part was a little much as well. Don't worry, I'm not gonna just throw him in his crib and leave him there for as long as it takes to fall asleep, but I'm also not gonna go sing kumbaya with him.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHHAA :P I love this...:P

Amy said...

I had a professor in school who was totally of that same philosophy and told us if we let babies cry it out we were dooming them for life. I kinda thought he was an idiot.

Elise said...

geesh...what have I done to Audrey! I'm in the middle too. That's rediculous

Lindsey said...

I actually just laughed out loud at that after I read what you said. I'm also in the middle but that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard about it. Beck is so cute!

Budenbenders said...

what the...?!?! I feel like a bad mother... Just this morning I gave Brayden "tummy time" (doctors order) so he wont get a "flat head" and he criee until he fell asleep this morning! (like 5 minutes! nothing too terribly long - i promise!) And beck is a total doll!

tHe sMiTh SaGa said...

thats ridulous!