
Day 24

Something that makes you feel better

Sleeping. When I get really upset or depressed, I get this overwhelming feeling to sleep. Have you ever heard that you shouldn't go to bed mad? Total crap. Everything is better after you sleep. And I'm freaking awesome at it. That should have been my hobby the other day.

I'm on my mom's computer to look for a certain sleeping picture since she has pictures from forever ago, but I found these instead. I kept asking her if they were real. As in not pretending.


Grandma Duffy said...

Love the sleeping photos. Sorry you have been depressed. I like to cry and then sleep....
Have fun in Texas.
Merry Christmas.

Taffers Dawn said...

Nice, i think they look pretty real. :D

tHe sMiTh SaGa said...

I too love to sleep.

Chelsi Lasater said...

those are so cute!!! love it. i cry really hard, eat something bad, then sleep. works every time.