
Day 9

A Favorite Movie

Well, since it's December, I feel like expressing my love for this beloved classic:



Taffers Dawn said...

Yes!!! I love this movie!!!! Mandi says that I look like Fuller...insanely she's pretty right, when I'm wearing my glasses. haha

tHe sMiTh SaGa said...

Classic Christmas Movie

Anonymous said...

Classic :)

Jen said...

I've been trying to TIVO this show all month, but it's not on any stinking channels. Driving me crazy because it's such a classic!

Jen said...

Oh...about the camera. I've had it for a while. It's Canon Rebel. I've always loved photography but sometimes I get lazy and just use a point-and-shoot.

Michelle said...

I just realized I gave you the link to the wrong boot. It was actually this link http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/3101825?origin=category&resultback=5925

My boots don't have a heel like the other ones.

I too LOVE Home Alone. It's a dream of mine to go to the hotel he goes to in NY in Home Alone 2 and eat all the junk they have in the closet.

mommy dearest said...

We should have watched this tonight instead of what I got from Red Box. We'll watch it in a couple of weeks!

Ben and Camille said...

i watched this yesterday