
Is this what they call green?

So having all of this eco-friendly green crap is the fad, and I don't give a crap about it. But Walmart had these shirts that were made from bottles, and I got some. Just cause they looked cool. The shirt I'm wearing in the pics was a men's shirt, and it has approximately 4 20 oz. plastic bottles in it. I also got a girl's shirt that has about 3 bottles in it. Cool, huh? Premiering (did I spell that right?) my modeling skills and Matt's mad photography skillzzzzzzzzz.

In other news, our xbox 360 got the ring of death, which all of you xboxers know and feel Matt's pain. We buried it next to my car battery out in the backyard with a matching headstone. But Jared, being the amazing gambler he is, bought us a new one with part of his winnings from Wendover on SUNDAY. He won like $900! And that was not the first time he's won that much from gambling. So that's the second free 360 we've gotten. Our first one was from Matt's friend that pretty much forced it onto us. So now if you would like to play Rock Band with us online, we can. Not that anyone ever wants to play with us. :( Oh, today was Olive's first (and seventh) birthday. I'll post pictures of that excitement tomorrow. Can't have too much in one night! Over and out.


Pierce and Stacy said...

Gosh... You have the BEST legs. You so hot right now. Uh, so I don't get the whole t-shirt thing, did I miss something? I'll marry Jared for his gambling skills. (Jared: Will you take me?)

Jared said...

Yes, I will. I will take you anywhere.

Clayton and Heidi said...

did you take your "green" shirts out of the devils store (aka walmart) in a paper bag, plastic bag or eco-friendy cloth bag?!? Amen to you...all this talk about green is making me ill.

The Piersons said...

Kari, you look hot in your new shirt!
You should totally do a race, I bet your mom would fly up to run with you, you would love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that my daughter is not eco friendly:(. She was raised by a mother who recycled by driving to a recycle plant, having my car weighed and then after they unloaded all the paper, etc. would weigh the car again and then pay me $$ for what I left!! haha AND I shop with my eco-friendly cloth bags - when I remember them which is only about 25% of the time. Anyway.....your shirt is cool! Congrats on wearing coke bottles!

Kari said...

mother, I had no idea you were such a granola.

Kari said...

P.S. Mom, I don't recycle ANYTHING these days. It's not as easy here as it is there. And I am lazy.

Travis and Joy said...

That's okay Kari, I was raised by granolas too. In texas they even had a compost pile in the backyard. I still recycle, it's habit. anyhow, i like your coke shirts and Matt's great work handling a camera, haha. But the most important fact is the "Now and Then" VHS you have on display on your entertainment center. It made me laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

i saw these shirts! pretty cool. i have to say i always like to get on your page, you have such good taste in music. i think i could turn it on and just let it play while i work around the house!! funny huh? :)

Chelsi Lasater said...

That's hot. Great stems, Kar. Happy birthday, Olive!!!

Elise said...

You should teach me how to make it so they can't find my blog on search engines... that would be a whole lot easier than getting everyone's email

Shane Zundel said...

Total horse poop.....
I want a free 360! I beg the wife for one and she straight denied me. NO xbox 360 for me, they cost too much blah blah blah...so use your magic 360 hook up powers and get your favorite cousin on your dad's side a console!