
Commercials that I hate Part 2

I also hate the State Farm commercials with this guy. I hate the song in the background and how the camera looks around at random people while he's talking. Isn't it weird how things rub you the wrong way for no truly good reason?


Missy said...

Or how in the one where he's at the newsstand he's strategically placed by the SI Swimsuit issue...

Heather and Kyle said...

Agreed, these are the worst commercials.

Chelsi Lasater said...

I haaaaaate that guy! His voice is like nails on a chalk board!

jill said...

I look at his hair and want to vomit in my mouth, not sure why, but agreed...this guys sucks and so do the commericals.

Jen said...

I forgot to ask you, what type of camera did you get? I've never heard of one that "knows" when you smile.

Anonymous said...

I wish he would get hit by a bus while he is talking to the camera.

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

I hate this commercial too thank goodness for tivo I never have to sit through one again.

Write it in Lipstick

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

I hate this commercial too thank goodness for tivo I never have to sit through one again.

Write it in Lipstick