Talking to crazy
Me: I should go put the clothes in the dryer. And I guess I should wash more clothes. How long can clothes sit in a washer?
Matt: it depends.
Me: on what?
Matt: on what you want in the pictures.
Me: what pictures?
Matt: the one of you and number nine.
Question answered.
Pop Up Videos
These two videos go together to prove that dogs and kids are practically the same thing.
The Color Run. FAIL.
Words I Hate (Part 2)
I'll include the words from the last time I did this so you can have a full compilation for your records.
Oh stop trying to be so artsy.
Example: That gigantic flower on your daughter's head is darling!
Example: That gigantic flower on your daughter's head is so stinking darling!
Example: I got the darling flower from my local Michael's. I did not go to the Michael's in Kansas City, just in case you were wondering. Just my local one.
Example: Writing local in a sentence is unnecessary, no?
Example: Just had a yummy dinner at Cafe Rio!
You are not six. (And no one cares, but that's off topic.)
Top knot
I'm just sick of reading top knot.
Buying your dress from a thrift store doesn't make it vintage.
Example: My cousin and his sweet wife had a baby.
Sweet wife sounds like the equivalent of uninteresting, unfunny, un-anything-I'd-like. If you're going to use an adjective to describe me, please use bitchin'. I didn't say bitchy. I said bitchin'. And please remember that I said an adjective. Not a verb. Oh dear, I've lost so many of you, haven't I?
Cold cuts
I prefer lunch meat. They're the same, right? I mean...they're the same, no?
Example: I love to nosh on my baby's puff snacks.
I can't even.
This one blogger kept saying this, and she was already getting on my nerves, so I stopped reading her blog.
Chelsi, you are exempt.
Example: I adore vintage clothing!
Example: I padded down the hall as quietly as I could.
This was used often in a book I was reading, and it annoyed me each time. Cassandra Clare, stop it.
Unless we're talking chicken tenders. I like those.
Example: The pictures of your daughter with the darling flower on her head are too cute. I can't even.
TOO cute? What's going to happen now that we've surpassed the allowed level of cuteness?!
You are not Dumbledore.
You are not Holden Caulfield.
Strong is the new skinny.
Oh, so someone fat and strong will now be on the cover and Cosmo? No.
Something else
Example: She is something else!
What is she?!
Mom, you can do it. It doesn't bug me when people use it in a text, but when you're blogging, you can't just spell it out?
Love your guts
Said no one ever
It was funny the first time.
Minus the ba, and I'll be happy.
And that is all I have for you during this segment of Words/Phrases I Hate.
Somebody That I Used to Know
I'm so annoyed. This app is craaaazy! Must be related to me.
I had to get the Blogger app. Stupid. And it's being crazy.
So I have been without internet for, like, three weeks. First world problem. I'm not complaining. But that's mostly why I never blog anymore. I also don't really care. I DEFINITELY don't care enough to go to such lengths like downloading this stupid app. But I'm bored.
I have been making lists on my phone. Would you like to read them?
Words I Hate:
Film (just say movie!)
Darling (as an adjective. You can call me one all day!)
Stinking (usually when describing something darling)
Local (I know I've mentioned this one before, but I still hate it.)
, no? (It's so overdone, no?)
Things I Don't Like, But Other People Do:
Dan in real life
The office
Ok, I need to work on this list a little more. And I'm starting to like The Office a little more now. But I'll have you know that I like Scrubs waaaay more. I'm also trying to like 30 Rock. I tried to love (or even like) Doctor Who, but no. NO.
Things Beck Says:
--The Beast left and said, "Bye, honey," so Beck kept saying bye honey.
--Lalybug for ladybug
--Bark for fart
Umm I need to do this more.
Also, if you are not my Facebook friend, you are really missing out on some quality pictures of The Beast.
Book I've Read in 2012:
1. Hush, Hush - Jan 3
2. Ender's Game - Jan 14
3. 13 Reasons Why - Jan 17
4 Guernsey - Feb 20
5 the truth about forever - march 2
6 walk two moons - march 10
7 Rebecca - April 1
8 gathering blue - April 11
I decided to read a book a month this year, but since I was doing so well, I decided to make it 24 books this year. Hush, Hush only counts for 1/2 a book since I started it in December. I also read a parenting book that I didn't include in the list. My favorite so far has been The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Took me a long time to even know the full name of it. I haven't really been into any of the books since it. I'm trying to decide what to read next. Water for elephants, the time travelers wife, or the second book from the Left Behind series. There are like a hundred books in that series.
If this posts under Beck's blog, I'm going to be pissed! Oh that reminds me of another list to start: things that piss me off. That should fill up pretty fast!
oh, also, be my friend on goodreads.
Please work, please work..........
Please, someone, relate.
That was the year of 2004 or 2005 - when my friend called me Kurr, and it didn't occur to me to mind. That was before Obama got elected, before Amy Winehouse came, when I couldn't wait to join the Society of Technical Communication, and I thought I'd never find a girl as great as Lindsay Blair. That was the year I lived in Cobble Creek.
Oh man, did anyone catch that redo of the first lines of Dirty Dancing? If not, you and I have a problem.
Anyway, the first time I watched Garden State was my sophomore year at USU with my friend Lindsay Blair. I also call her Blurr. Or Blair. Or Guuuuuuurl. I laughed soooooo hard when I saw the scene where the guy shoots a flaming arrow straight up in the air and Zach Braff and Natalie Portman shuffle around while trying to get out of the way.
Please tell me you did that while catching a pop fly. If not, that probably means you're a good outfielder. Or really bad. I dunno...I always stuck to being the catcher, where people threw straight right at me. They called me Pudge. (How many of you get that joke? Stacy...Mom...no one else...)
Because you were hoping to see a post about my feet
Slooooowwww Moooootioooonnnnn
Sorry, you have to wait 14 boring seconds before the fun begins on the one above.
The look I was giving Matt during this one was because I was disappointed that the thing I was doing wasn't as good as the one I did before.